Our summer camp program will follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), state and local health guidelines. We have modified previously scheduled camp programs to ensure safety this summer at Camp RAD.
Daily Health Screening During Camp
- All children and staff (with the guidance of his/her parent or guardian) are required to complete a daily health check at home before drop off. If your child has a fever of 100.4 or higher, he/she will not be able to attend that day.
- If your child is not feeling well the day/night before camp, please do not send them to camp. (Siblings should also stay home and be monitored) Please do not send your child if you have given them fever reducing medicine. Please notify Camp RAD of your child’s symptoms and to discuss a plan moving forward for resubmissions to camp.
- Campers must be fever-free without the use of fever reducing medication for a period of 24-hours before returning.
- Please be aware of COVID-19 symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, chills, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, body aches, or loss of taste/smell.
- Travel Restriction- Camp RAD will follow current County and State restrictions regarding travel.
- Staff will monitor health by doing visual health check of your child throughout the day.
- A medical isolation (quarantine) space will be established by any child/staff that is feeling ill and in the process of being picked up. Parents is required to arrange pick up with 30 minutes of being contacted if his/her child is not feeling well.
Hand Washing and Health Protocols
At the beginning of camp, we will teach campers:
- How and when to effectively wash and sanitize hands;
- Upon Arrival; Before eating food; Before and after activities; After touching frequently touched surfaces; After using the bathroom; After using common items such (sport equipment/craft supplies), After coughing/sneezing.
- How to practice physical distance in various settings. (indoor, outdoor, transitions activities, etc.)
- Groups will be limited to an average of 12-18 campers, depending on age.
Face Masks
- Masks will be optional. Parents, campers, instructors, and staff will have the opportunity to choose if they wish to wear a mask regardless of vaccination status. Camp RAD will follow Bucks County Department of Health and CDC guidelines as COVID-19 protocols are ever changing.
- Masks should be identified by the camper’s name. Please provide clean masks in his/her camp bag daily if you would like them to wear them indoors/outdoors.
- Camp RAD will implement sanitation procedures throughout the day, disinfecting high volume surfaces and bathrooms regularly.
- All toys, equipment and craft supplies will be wiped down immediately after use.
- Camp RAD will use products that meet EPA disinfection protocols.
- Groups are smaller in size. Campers age 4-6 will be; 12 campers/2 staff. Campers age 7 to 8 will be; 16 campers/2 Staff. Campers age 9-12 will be; 18 campers/2 Staff.
COVID-19 Sickness Policies
- The child’s parents will be notified immediately and will be required to pick up their child and siblings with 30 minutes of notification. We gladly ask that parents who are unavailable for sudden pick up; make arrangements with authorized release to your emergency contacts. This camper will be masked/brought to a separate quarantine location.
- Your child must be tested for COVID-19 and parent must report test results back to Camp RAD. If the diagnosis is COVID-19, your child and siblings must remain home until medically cleared in accordance with Bucks County Department of Health.
- If a camper/staff is diagnosed with COVID-19, we will notify the families of all other children in that cohort. The camper/sibling will need to stay home until medically cleared in accordance with Bucks County Department of Health guidelines. We will maintain the confidentially of any affected campers.
- We may consider asking an exposed “group” or “close contact” to remain home until confirmation of a diagnosis can be made, and if positive, remain home until the “group/close contact” is determined cleared of infectious risk or transmission.
- If a camper is sent home because of COVID-19 diagnosis (either that child’s own diagnosis or the diagnosis of another child in his/her group), Camp RAD will credit your account for the 2023 season for any days of camp missed.
- If your camper is sent home for any non-COVID illness or injury, there will be no reimbursement, credit, or make up for days missed.
- We will follow Bucks County and Pennsylvania guidelines regarding how long a camper or staff member must remain out of camp after being diagnosed with COVID-19. We will follow Bucks County and Pennsylvania directions regarding how long contact traced individuals must remain out of camp.
Medical Procedures:
- Staff will assess your child throughout the day for any COVID-19 symptoms. We will separate your child from the camp if showing any symptoms. We will contact you to pick up your child.
- We will have a certified nurse helping this summer with COVID-19 symptoms/situations. Christine’s contact information is provided. You will need to speak with Christine and discuss what procedures to follow. Medical Procedures:
Pool Procedures:
- We will be at the pool from 9:30am to 1pm daily; Monday to Friday. Your child will get a daily schedule and you will see his/her designated time. Campers will swim with his/her group.
- Bathrooms, changing areas, tables and areas that campers touch frequently will be disinfected routinely before, during and after we leave the pool area.